Industrial Distribution eCommerce Trends Report

See What's New in B2B eCommerce

Industrial distributors, like many others, have witnessed the evolution of eCommerce from a luxury to a necessity over the past twenty years. There’s mounting pressure for them to adapt and revamp their operations to align with the online-centric business landscape.

The latest report by Industrial Distribution highlights top B2B eCommerce trends, including how customer habits are changing and how distributors of all sizes are adapting.

Part One
Part Two

Unlock the Secrets to Sustained Revenue Growth

Dive into insights revealing how the latest B2B eCommerce trends are impacting distribution sales teams, pricing strategies, and more.

  • Explore how distributors are ramping up their digital presence to reach customers and outshine competitors
  • See how the role of distribution sales reps is shifting with changing customer buying habits
  • Uncover the challenges faced in eCommerce operations, from driving website traffic to seamless omni-channel experiences
Don't miss out on this exclusive report summary!
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