
White Cup CRM + BI Integration
for Epicor Prophet21

If you’re using Epicor P21 and have an outside sales team, you need customer relationship management (CRM) software that integrates seamlessly with your ERP.

White Cup CRM + BI is specifically designed for distributors using Epicor Prophet 21. Our solution helps you transform mountains of P21 transactional data into actionable customer insights, enabling your sales team and distribution business to operate more efficiently and effectively. Take our self-guided product tour to see it in action.

Achieve Quicker Wins with White Cup CRM + BI

Overview of White Cup CRM + BI

White Cup BI transforms all your customer data – from P21, White Cup CRM, and other integrated sources – into actionable insights, while White Cup CRM allows you to take action on them.

Integrated Sales Engine

Integrated Sales Engine

White Cup CRM fully integrates with P21, ensuring real-time data synchronization for seamless customer experiences.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

White Cup BI offers over 1,100 pre-built reports and 40 dashboards tailored for distributors, providing deep insights into sales, inventory, and customer behavior.

White Cup CRM

Turn Your P21 Data Into Dollars

  • Customer Relationship Management

    Customer Relationship Management 
Maintain a unified view of customer data, including purchase history, contact details, and special pricing rules set in P21.

  • Quoting

    Create and send quotes directly from White Cup CRM with real-time bi-directional syncing of product, pricing, and inventory data from P21. No need to rely on customer service teams or worry about data discrepancies

  • Automations

    Trigger workflows based on any field or data attribute in P21. Automate tasks like sending promotional offers to customers who’ve purchased specific products or creating opportunities for high-value quotes.

  • Sales Insights

    Use AI-driven recommendations to suggest next best actions, helping your sales team close deals faster.

See the power of White Cup CRM in action

White Cup BI

Uncover Actionable Insights from P21 Data

White Cup BI surfaces insights typically buried under mounds of transactional data in P21, providing a clear and comprehensive view of your distribution business.

  • Real-time Reporting

    Access up-to-date information with dashboards that refresh automatically as new data comes in.

  • Operational Insights

    Monitor key metrics like inventory turns, lead times, and profitability with pre-built dashboards tailored for operational roles.

  • Automations

    Trigger workflows based on any field or data attribute in P21. Automate tasks like sending promotional offers to customers who’ve purchased specific products or creating opportunities for high-value quotes.

See How White Cup BI Can Transform your P21 data into actionable insights for your distribution company.

Why P21’s Native CRM Capabilities Don’t Cut It

P21’s native CRM tools fall short in several critical areas:

Limited Functionality

Limited Functionality

P21’s CRM add-ons are basic and primarily focused on managing tasks and contacts.

Complex Customization

Complex Customization

Extensive setup and customization are required, often resulting in solutions that still don’t meet your needs.

Lack of Integration

Lack of Integration

Native tools do not integrate seamlessly with other systems, leading to data silos and inefficiencies.

Manual Processes

Manual Processes

Creating and sending emails or managing customer data requires manual intervention and lacks automation capabilities.

White Cup CRM + BI delivers a robust, integrated solution that addresses these shortcomings, providing distributors with a powerful tool to drive sales and improve customer relationships.

Set Your Sales Team Up For Success

User adoption is everything when it comes to the software that runs your business. White Cup CRM + BI natively integrates with P21, helping you maximize your investment with easier sales forecasting and quoting.

Your sales team doesn’t have to fumble in a complicated ERP system. With White Cup CRM + BI, they see all tasks, customer scorecard updates, and next best actions right from their dashboard or mobile sales app.

Trucks and logistics


  • What is CRM and ERP Integration?

    CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) integration is the process of connecting the CRM system, which manages all aspects of a company’s interactions with its customers, with the ERP system, which handles the company’s back-office functions such as supply chain, operations, and financial management. This integration aims to streamline business processes, improve data accuracy, and enhance customer satisfaction by providing a unified view of customer interactions and operational data.

  • How Do CRM and ERP Systems Overlap?

    CRM and ERP systems overlap in their functionality concerning customer data and operational efficiency. While CRM focuses on front-end information, such as sales, marketing, and customer service interactions, ERP covers back-end processes like inventory management, purchasing, finance, and HR. The overlap occurs in areas like order management, where both systems need to share data to ensure that customer orders are fulfilled accurately and timely.

  • Why is Integrating CRM and ERP Important?

    Integrating CRM and ERP systems provides a unified view of customer and operational data, eliminating silos and ensuring that all departments have access to up-to-date and accurate information. This integration enhances efficiency, reduces manual data entry and errors, improves customer service, and enables businesses to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data analysis.

  • What Are the Challenges of CRM and ERP Integration?

    The challenges of CRM and ERP integration include system compatibility, data duplication, data format disparities, and the complexity of integrating legacy systems. Overcoming these challenges often requires strategic planning, the use of integration platforms or middleware, and sometimes customization to ensure seamless data flow and functionality between the systems.

    White Cup has a deep understanding of both systems and designed its CRM and BI solution specifically for integration, saving distributors significant time and cost.

  • How Can You Successfully Implement CRM ERP Integration?

    CRM ERP integration requires carefully planning the integration process, clearly defining business objectives and requirements, choosing compatible systems or using middleware for integration, ensuring data quality and consistency, and providing training and support to users. Additionally, businesses may benefit from partnering with experienced vendors or consultants who specialize in system integration. The advantage of White Cup CRM + BI is that it’s already designed to integrate with ERP systems, including Epicor P21.

  • Why Is Epicor P21 Business Intelligence Better With White Cup BI?

    With White Cup BI, you don’t need to be a software expert or hire an IT consultant to create reports. Our deep understanding of P21 data structure, architecture, and technology is reflected in the powerful dashboards, scorecards, and reporting tools that make your team instantly more productive.

    Need to see month-to-month sales trends or product trends in real time? With White Cup BI you can create a report once and it will automatically update as sales roll in. Having this data at your fingertips gives you visibility into overall product and sales performance so you can identify challenges—like declining sales—before it’s too late.

    In P21, a quick snapshot of sales trends doesn’t exist. Save time by skipping tedious, manual work and use White Cup BI’s pre-built reporting templates and dashboards instead.

  • How does forecasting sales with Epicor P21 and White Cup BI work?

    To forecast sales using Epicor P21, you’ll need to invest hours of manual setup editing forecast formula tables in the database. Or you could let White Cup BI automatically do all the calculations for you with sales forecasts across many dimensions, such as location, product group, or sales rep.

    Sales forecasts are more accurate when last year’s sales performance and current pipeline opportunities are showcased together, making it easier to spot trends. Powered by artificial intelligence, White Cup BI reveals real-time predictive sales forecasts that account for historical sales data and seasonality.

    White Cup CRM + BI also give you a full picture of  each customer’s history which helps you better understand the steps of your customer journey so you can plan for continued sales growth.

  • Does Epicor P21 Offer eCommerce?

    If you’re looking for a consumer-focused shopping experience that provides valuable insights into your customers’ online behavior, White Cup CRM + BI is your solution. While Epicor Commerce allows distributors to sell online, it doesn’t easily relay online purchasing data back to the sales team so they can follow up with customers offline. This results in a siloed approach to marketing and sales. 

    White Cup CRM integrates natively with popular eCommerce solutions, allowing distributors to seize every sales opportunity.  

    The sales team can see online activities like purchases and abandoned carts right within the CRM so they can follow up with customers offline. In addition to integrating with Epicor Commerce, White Cup CRM is compatible with popular platforms including Magento, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and Shopify.

  • How Does White Cup CRM + BI Use AI?

    White Cup’s AI features help distributors enhance profitability by identifying their next actions, such as which products to recommend to customers or when to reach out to them based on their buying history . We can also build custom AI models with your company’s sales data for more efficient sales forecasting. 

  • How does White Cup improve supply chain management?

    In today’s dynamic supply chain, it’s not always easy for all team members to access product and inventory trend data. White Cup BI  gives distributors clear, real-time visibility product performance and products on hand to simplify inventory management. With powerful data insights, distributors can easily identify their most popular products, ensuring they are always available to meet customer demand. White Cup’s dashboards also help distributors quickly locate products stored in different warehouses, streamlining the fulfillment process and reducing delays. White Cup BI also helps distributors identify slow-moving inventory, enabling better decision-making on when to discount, relocate, or reorder, optimizing stock levels and boosting overall operational efficiency.