
White Cup business intelligence software

Clarity in Every Decision, Profit in Every Move.

Transform raw customer, transactional, and product data from your ERP into actionable insights. Our business intelligence tools include more than 40 pre-built dashboards, scorecards, and over 1,100 ready-made reports for distributors.

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Accelerate Growth With Business 
Intelligence Software for Distributors

Win more deals, increase order value, and identify your best new opportunities with full visibility into your customers, products and vendors. White Cup BI brings clarity to your entire team, from sales and marketing to customer support and operations. They’ll have instant access to dashboards and reports, without having to request ad-hoc reports from IT or a data analyst.

Sell Smarter With Comprehensive Customer Scorecards

Personalize your sales strategy with easy access to customer data across channels, including eCommerce. With White Cup BI customer scorecards, you can:

  • Quickly identify upsell opportunities and personalize your sales strategy with customer scorecards showing purchasing patterns and order history
  • Use AI to recommend the right products to the right customers at the right time, boosting sales efficiency and effectiveness
  • Reduce the time your team spends digging through data and focus on selling
scorecards computer

Elevate Your Sales Team’s Performance With 
Real-Time Coaching

Use business intelligence to drive more meaningful conversations with your sales team and accelerate sales growth. Use dashboards and sales rep scorecards to:

  • See a 360-degree view of your customers, sales trends and performance by each rep
  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement
  • Motivate your team by giving everyone full visibility into key sales performance metrics
White Cup CRM dashboard showing sales performance, customer data, and inventory metrics for distributor growth

Empower Executive Leadership With Key Insights

Develop a culture of data-driven decision making and collaboration by giving all employees access to White Cup BI for one flat fee. Use executive insights to:

  • Optimize planning by seeing year-to-date sales compared to goals
  • Set organizational priorities by seeing which customers and products are most profitable
  • Evaluate inventory and vendor performance

Seamlessly Integrate With White Cup CRM

Improve sales effectiveness and increase conversion by 2X with industry-specific customer relationship management backed by the power of data.

  • Leverage the power of White Cup BI + CRM as a central hub that details the customer and product information you need.
  • Make smarter decisions with easy access to your data and the ability to quickly drill down as needed.
  • Improve collaboration across your entire business with a unified platform that drives your distribution business forward.

Distributors Trust White Cup Business Intelligence Software

Closes deals 75% faster with empowered sales reps, using our CRM and BI products.
“Knowledge is power and it is much easier to make solid business decisions when you have timely accurate information at your fingertips.”
Mike Gracyzk headshot

Mike Gracyzk

Pricing Manager

Arlington Industries

“It’s been easier to immediately notice a trend a month or two ahead of time because White Cup is looking at many more data points and displaying it in a way that shows trends. There is nothing in P21 that gives you that really quick snapshot outside of the monthly sales report.”
Eric Schmidt headshot

Eric Schmidt

VP of Operations

Mar-Hy Distributors

"It has definitely helped our users gather and view data quickly and effectively. From sales team members to upper management, a wide variety of users have been very excited to use the software."
Josh Blawat headshot

Josh Blawat

Junior Systems Administrator

Reinders Inc.

"I am able to pull data and save reports that are pre-filtered to only review the data that is important when making decisions without having to sift through the weeds of other info. Reports that used to take me 45 minutes to review are cut down to minutes."
Mike Gracyzk headshot

Mike Gracyzk

Pricing Manager

Arlington Industries

"White Cup really does make a different with tracking our customers' trends and specific product lines, profit margins, and year-over-year quarterly sales. It makes it easier to do year-end reviews with our customers."
Jason Giannone headshot

Jason Giannone

Product Line Support & Development

Bender Plumbing Supply

"We manage sales growth and maximize existing inventory using White Cup BI reports to see if it's trending up or down. It gives us necessary data for locations, regions, customers and account managers."

Todd Taverner

VP Purchasing & Inventory

E.B. Horsman

"We use White Cup BI to create a daily check-in dashboard, enabling us to see cash on hand, sales backlogs and the volume of orders and invoices. It gives me a picture of where the business is at."

Brian Poggetti

Director of Finance & Operations

Personal Protective Equipment

"I have spent many years data-wrangling seeking profit performance, and by the time I reached actionable data, I was so far behind it was hard to get to the delivery to the audience to assist in the change. I am looking forward to spending more time driving results for our company while White Cup BI reduces my wrangling."

Eric White

Director of Strategic Initiatives

Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc.

"What's nice about White Cup BI is that the roll-out is quite easy. From start to finish, it's quick--didn't even take a week to install. We were able to take the preloaded canned reports, get them to our sales reps, and they were able to run out and provide data to our customers that they had never seen before."

Lance Melnik

IT Manager

Vesco Oil

“The ease of use and the ease of implementation is a significant plus in my world.”

Holly Horner

IT Manager

Central Turf & Irrigation Supply

“I would recommend White Cup BI to any Prophet 21 user who currently struggles with data, acquisition, and utilization.”

Todd Taverner

VP Purchasing & Inventory

E.B. Horsman

“With visibility into performance, companies can gauge success and identify corrections needed with White Cup.”

Jessica Leppanen

Sales & Marketing

CMD Corporation

“Based on the money White Cup BI saved our company, the software paid for itself within 3 months.”

Holly Horner

IT Manager

Central Turf & Irrigation Supply logo

Mar-Hy Distributors Can Identify Trends Sooner With Business Intelligence Software

As a one-stop shop for commercial HVAC equipment, Mar-Hy Distributors relied primarily on Epicor P21 to run the business. However, the team couldn’t easily filter complex data from their ERP into reports to meet specific needs — such as reporting certain KPIs to its manufacturers or contractors.

Since implementing White Cup’s business intelligence software, the company has a much clearer picture of their business performance. Instead of spending hours building reports, they use White Cup dashboards to get business insights on trends and areas for growth. They’re also using data analytics to:

  • Report on key performance indicators, including total sales, top customers and top products
  • Improve sales performance and marketing ROI
  • Have more productive conversations with customers based on purchasing pattern
Read the Case Study

Built-in ERP integration

White Cup’s distribution software solutions integrate with the leading distribution ERPs, to create a seamless onboarding experience. We can integrate with any ERP or data source to give your sales team the data they need to win more deals in real-time.

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Business Intelligence Resources

Discover how your distribution company can achieve faster growth with better business intelligence tools.


7 Key BI Metrics Distributors Should Be Tracking

Companies that invest in business intelligence are three times more likely to experience strong revenue growth, according to the International Data Corporation. In this resource, you’ll discover what business data you should measure and how to use BI tools to see your performance clearly.


How Accurate Is Your Sales Reporting?

If you’re relying on raw data from your ERP for sales reports, you’re likely missing essential details. See how you can use business intelligence tools to analyze data and uncover deeper insights.


Essential Customer KPIs That Drive Sales

By tracking the right key performance indicators, distribution companies can gain a data-driven understanding of their customer base, uncover their best opportunities, and drive sales growth.

Business Intelligence FAQs

  • How do BI tools help us with data-driven decision-making?

    Business intelligence (BI) tools significantly enhance data-driven decision-making in distribution by transforming raw data into actionable insights. These tools aggregate and analyze data from various sources, providing a comprehensive view of business performance. White Cup BI includes over 1,100 ready-made reports and dashboards distributors can use to gain insight into sales trends, customer behavior, and inventory. By visualizing key metrics, distributors can quickly identify growth opportunities, optimize inventory management, and improve supplier performance​​.

  • How can we find the best business intelligence software for our team?

    To find the best BI software for your team, you’ll want to consider several key factors. First, does it integrate with your existing ERP, CRM and eCommerce platform to provide a unified data view? Is it intuitive and easy for team members to use without extensive training? Does it include standard pre-built reports designed for distribution, as well as the ability to customize reporting based on your company’s unique needs? Is it cloud-based and scalable, able to handle increasing data volumes and complexity? Finally, does the BI software vendor offer ongoing resources and support? These are all important factors to consider in your decision.

  • How does White Cup BI improve data management?

    White Cup BI consolidates data from multiple sources into a single platform, enabling comprehensive analysis, visualization and reporting. It offers automated data updates, reducing the need for manual data entry and minimizing errors. Having all your data visible in a single place can also eliminate the need for other software subscriptions, such as Microsoft PowerBI or Tableau, reducing costs and helping you maintain data integrity.

  • How can White Cup BI improve our business processes?

    White Cup BI improves business processes by providing actionable insights that drive efficiency and strategic decision-making. Your executive team can see key performance indicators such as revenue, top customers and actual sales compared to goals. Your sales team can analyze customers’ purchasing history to recommend the right products at the right time. You can also gain insights into inventory levels and turnover rates to reduce excess inventory and stockouts. Your team can also evaluate supplier performance metrics to negotiate better terms and develop more profitable partnerships.

  • Can we use White Cup BI for predictive analytics?

    White Cup BI offers predictive analytics capabilities that help distributors forecast future trends based on historical data. It uses AI to analyze customer data and recommend the best products for individual customers, based on their buying history, and also predicts when they’re likely to make a purchase.

  • Is White Cup BI good for non-technical users?

    White Cup BI is designed to be user-friendly for everyone, regardless of their role or technology experience. It features an intuitive interface and pre-built templates that make it easy to generate reports and dashboards without needing advanced technical skills. White Cup also offers extensive customer support and training resources to help users get the most out of the platform​​​.

  • Does White Cup BI integrate with eCommerce platforms?

    Yes! Our eCommerce integration gives your sales team full visibility into customers’ online activities, including recent purchases and items they’ve added to their cart, so reps can follow up with proactive conversations that turn browsing into buying. White Cup integrates with popular eCommerce platforms, including Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce. Learn more about our eCommerce integration.